This depends on your country. If you have a Campus France antenna in your country, check with them.
Be careful on the deadline.
If the deadline is over, please contact me (
The registration fees were 256€/year for the year 2017-2018. The fees can vary a little bit according to the options you take (sports + 10 €,...). Note that from September 1st 2019, the student social security regime will not exist anymore, and you will not pay it with the registration fees for the year 2018-19.
From September 1st 2019, the student social security regime will not exist anymore (around 217 €/year). For the year 2018-19 the students under the student social security regime will stay on this regime till September 1st 2019. The students which were not on the student regime will either stay on their parents regime or be directly affiliated to the general regime. Nevertheless the fees should remains around 217 €/year for everybody.
The social security insurance should be completed with a complemenraty health insurance. You are free to choose the one you like.
Be careful to suscribe to a civic liability insurance (("responsabilité civile" in the form, around 10 €/year), which is included with your housing insurance.
Foreign students should make sure sure to suscribe to a repatriation insurance, as this could be very expensive
check at (/fr/ for French speaking students or /zh/ for Chinese speaking students)
for a list of public and private housing.
The public housing through the CROUS are usually the cheapest ones, be careful on the application deadline.
When you suscribe to your housing insurance, make sure to check for the civic liability insurance ("responsabilité civile" in the form).
Foreign students should be careful to register to the OFII
(Office Français Immigration Intégration, 61 Boulevard Rabatau, 13008 Marseille) two months after their arrival.
After an interview, they will be given a receipt and then a residence authorization.
Make sure to renew it before the expiration deadline in between your M1 and M2.
the M1 lectures will be given at the Saint-Charles campus
the M2 lectures will be given at the Etoile Campus, both at Saint-Jérôme and at the Laboratoire d'Astrophysiue de Marseille,
in lecture rooms dedicated to SPaCe students.
Check at for the locations of the differnt campuses
you can check the SPaCE facebook ( and contact the SPaCE alumni community